Sunday, July 24, 2011
We took the old road instead of the trails this time to see if there were any more trails heading down to the valley other than the ones we have already taken. It was hotter today and the road wasn't particularly inspiring. Turned out we didn't find any more trails, but we did come across this little cabin in the woods.
Movie Tuesday
Last Tuesday we saw Harry Potter. Because we are the oldest Harry Potter fans on earth (probably), we enjoyed it. Once again, we were expecting crowds lined up for this movie, but there was hardly anyone there--just how we like it.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Here are some more photos of my horse, Doc, taken in the Laguna Mountains last Thursday. He's tied to a high line and he's wearing a fly mask. A word about the high line: it's actually supposed to be tied high--at about 7 feet. The problem is that I am only 5 feet 3.5 inches tall, so I could only reach so high--not even close to 7 feet. It worked anyway. Twos photos are of Joyce's horse, Omar. The rest are of Doc.
On Friday morning, Mom and I got our hair done. Unfortunately, Mom got scalped this time and she's very unhappy about it. Still, she fixed us dinner (baked chicken, potatoes, broccoli) and it was yummy.
Saturday Dennis and I piddled around doing our chores. I'm trying to get ready for the craft show at Pine Valley Days at the end of the month. The end of the month is coming up fairly quickly now and I have a lot to do. Saturday night we went to dinner with our friends, Ann and Chris, to plan a house concert at our house. We came up with a date and a plan, so it was a good evening--not to mention just having fun with our friends.
Today we are relaxing with our Sunday morning TV programs: Sunday Morning, Face the Nation, Meet the Press and Fareed Zakarias GPS. Two of these programs are not very relaxing (Face the Nation and, especially, Meet the Press). I'm pretty sick of hearing politicians spew their rhetoric.
Saturday Dennis and I piddled around doing our chores. I'm trying to get ready for the craft show at Pine Valley Days at the end of the month. The end of the month is coming up fairly quickly now and I have a lot to do. Saturday night we went to dinner with our friends, Ann and Chris, to plan a house concert at our house. We came up with a date and a plan, so it was a good evening--not to mention just having fun with our friends.
Today we are relaxing with our Sunday morning TV programs: Sunday Morning, Face the Nation, Meet the Press and Fareed Zakarias GPS. Two of these programs are not very relaxing (Face the Nation and, especially, Meet the Press). I'm pretty sick of hearing politicians spew their rhetoric.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
We rode out about 1-1/2 hrs. on the trail in the Laguna Mountains until we got back to the cemetery site we visited a few weeks ago. This time we brought a high line to tie the horses to and lunch for us (apple for them). Since I'm short, I could only get the "high" line up about 5-1/2 feet. It worked though. I was a little nervous because we hadn't tried this before. Apparently, Doc has done this before. Look at him. He's just standing there asleep. What a good boy.
Joyce's horse kept trying to walk under the line. He's pretty calm, though, so he didn't freak out.
It was a really good ride on a perfect 70-degree day.
This is Joyce and Omar. Unfortunately the pictures turned out a little dark because we were in the shade.
After our sandwiches, we at the chocolate cake Mom made. Thanks, Mom!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I finally cleaned my office today. I had accumulated quite a load of paper, catalogs, magazines, etc. Stacks and stacks of it everywhere. I got it all cleaned up though, starting at 6 am and finishing up around noon. Then I went on to the craft room, making some more flower barrettes, finishing up one bracelet and starting another. It felt good to get some things done. Yesterday was movie day and the day before I spent making a product movie for Dennis.
I added a second feeder for the hummingbirds today. They're going through one 48-oz. feeder every 2 days. It's going to pick up from here as it gets hotter. Oh, joy.
I added a second feeder for the hummingbirds today. They're going through one 48-oz. feeder every 2 days. It's going to pick up from here as it gets hotter. Oh, joy.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Movie Tuesday
Ok, the puppy picture changed today so it no longer resembles our puppy, Ghost.
Today, Mom had an appointment with her new cardiologist. When he walked in and saw Mom, the first thing he said was, "You don't look 88!" How about that?
As for the movie today, the pickin's were slim. We finally decided on Bridesmaids. Yuk. I know people who have seen this move and said they laughed all the way through it. I don't see it. It was like a female version of The Hangover or some other ridiculous movie. None of us enjoyed it. Next week may be better. We're planning to see the new Harry Potter movie.
Today, Mom had an appointment with her new cardiologist. When he walked in and saw Mom, the first thing he said was, "You don't look 88!" How about that?
As for the movie today, the pickin's were slim. We finally decided on Bridesmaids. Yuk. I know people who have seen this move and said they laughed all the way through it. I don't see it. It was like a female version of The Hangover or some other ridiculous movie. None of us enjoyed it. Next week may be better. We're planning to see the new Harry Potter movie.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Happy 50th
Our friends, Judy and John, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last night. It was nice to visit with them, but we ate too much. They had quite a spread catered by El Indio Restaurant, plus two cakes. Yum.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Busy Day
Yesterday, Dennis and I walked the mile trail at 7 o'clock in the morning and ate our meager weekday breakfast. Mom and I started out at 8:30, driving to Rancho San Diego so she could take a visual field test at the opthamologist's office at 9:30. Afterward, we went to Wal Mart to pick up a few things. We spent more time there than we wanted to, but we can never find anything at that store. When they remodeled the Wal Mart at Lakeside, they added a grocery department but pretty much kept the same footprint so they deleted many of the products they used to carry. And whoever arranged that store must be insane--it just doesn't make any sense.
However, by noon we arrived home where a whole lot was going on. Vivian was cleaning the glass shop for me and I needed to talk with her for a few minutes; then Glen was working on the computers and I needed to work with him to fix some problems with my computer; and the vet was coming over around 1:00 to check Happy's eyes and clean Doc's sheath (if you don't know what that is, don't ask).
Around 1:20 I looked out the window and the vet and Dennis were chewing the fat outside the barn. I left the comfort of my coooool house and stumbled down the hill in the suffocating heat to the barn. When I got there I noticed the horses were out in the pasture. Dennis had slippers on so I had to go get the horses and bring them back to the barn. Mind you, I am the one who had a stroke, has asthma and a bad leg, but I staggered across the pasture to get the horses while the two men stood around in the shade.
I almost got to Happy when I tripped and she skittered away. She kept avoiding me, so I went to Doc, who stood like the perfect angel he is while I put the halter on him. I led Doc back, shooing Happy ahead of us and trailing Shalla, who apparently thought she might miss something if she didn't go along.
Happy has cataracs in both eyes, kind of expected for a horse of her age, so nothing can be done about it. The whole episode cost $225.
I still had Vivian and Glen to work with, so I got myself up the hill and back to the house. By the time everyone left (around 2:30), I was exhausted. I read my Kindle for about an hour*, then made an antepasto salad for dinner at Mom's. After our healthy salad, Mom served chocolate cake with frosting and cool whip. It was really good, too.
*reading 1/2 hour, sleeping 1/2 hour
However, by noon we arrived home where a whole lot was going on. Vivian was cleaning the glass shop for me and I needed to talk with her for a few minutes; then Glen was working on the computers and I needed to work with him to fix some problems with my computer; and the vet was coming over around 1:00 to check Happy's eyes and clean Doc's sheath (if you don't know what that is, don't ask).
Around 1:20 I looked out the window and the vet and Dennis were chewing the fat outside the barn. I left the comfort of my coooool house and stumbled down the hill in the suffocating heat to the barn. When I got there I noticed the horses were out in the pasture. Dennis had slippers on so I had to go get the horses and bring them back to the barn. Mind you, I am the one who had a stroke, has asthma and a bad leg, but I staggered across the pasture to get the horses while the two men stood around in the shade.
I almost got to Happy when I tripped and she skittered away. She kept avoiding me, so I went to Doc, who stood like the perfect angel he is while I put the halter on him. I led Doc back, shooing Happy ahead of us and trailing Shalla, who apparently thought she might miss something if she didn't go along.
Happy has cataracs in both eyes, kind of expected for a horse of her age, so nothing can be done about it. The whole episode cost $225.
I still had Vivian and Glen to work with, so I got myself up the hill and back to the house. By the time everyone left (around 2:30), I was exhausted. I read my Kindle for about an hour*, then made an antepasto salad for dinner at Mom's. After our healthy salad, Mom served chocolate cake with frosting and cool whip. It was really good, too.
*reading 1/2 hour, sleeping 1/2 hour
Thursday, July 7, 2011
After two days of monsoon rain, lightning and thunder, we decided it would be safer to skip our usual Trail Ride on Thursday. As it turned out, it was a beautiful day--warm but no rain. Figures.
Test results showed that Spike does not have Cushing disease. So now we just go on--no treatment.
Spike was very spunky today. :)
Spike was very spunky today. :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I took Spike to the vet today for some tests. I had to leave him for a few hours and then pick him up. On my first trip at 12:15 pm, it was 88 degrees at the ranch (hot and muggy). On the way back, it was pouring rain in Pine Valley and it was wet, but not raining, at the ranch. The temperature had fallen to a perfect 70 degrees. Nice and cool. By 4:15 pm, Dennis was home so we both went to pick up Spike. It was again 88 degrees outside. And, again, driving back through Pine Valley, it really poured, I mean serious rain plus lightning and thunder. This time the temperature dropped to 68 degrees at the ranch. Too bad it doesn't last.
The news about Spike was not too good. His one kidney has shut down and the other one is taking up the slack. Tomorrow we should get the results of a blood test that will probably show he has Cushings. The vet said there is medication that will treat the disease. He shook his head and said he didn't know how much longer Spike has to live, but he's a real fighter. I guess we will love him and take care of him until he has to leave us.
The news about Spike was not too good. His one kidney has shut down and the other one is taking up the slack. Tomorrow we should get the results of a blood test that will probably show he has Cushings. The vet said there is medication that will treat the disease. He shook his head and said he didn't know how much longer Spike has to live, but he's a real fighter. I guess we will love him and take care of him until he has to leave us.
Heckel and Jeckel are sitting on my favorite rock. I always thought this rock looks like a bird. I guess even birds think so.
One and one-quarter inch
Last night's rain measured 1-1/4 inch in our rain gauge on the front patio. It was cool, but muggy, when we walked this morning. It looked like we had a tiny flash flood off the road onto our walking trail. Not too much damage, though.
Spike still doesn't want to walk with us. Today I'm taking him in for some blood tests and a sonogram to see what's going on with him. The poor little guy is just getting old--16 years now, going on 17. Wow.
First thing this morning, after my pet feeding and kitchen chores, I worked in the glass shop for awhile; came back around 7 and then we took our walk. After breakfast, I'll have my riding lesson. Betsy is coming over early--around 8:30. It's 8:10 now, so I'd better get down there.
Spike still doesn't want to walk with us. Today I'm taking him in for some blood tests and a sonogram to see what's going on with him. The poor little guy is just getting old--16 years now, going on 17. Wow.
First thing this morning, after my pet feeding and kitchen chores, I worked in the glass shop for awhile; came back around 7 and then we took our walk. After breakfast, I'll have my riding lesson. Betsy is coming over early--around 8:30. It's 8:10 now, so I'd better get down there.
Labels: Horseback riding
horseback riding lesson,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Storm
Now this is really unusual ... we just had a blast of rain along with thunder and lightning. It's only July! If we ever have monsoons, they usually come in August. The rain is welcome, however. The plants love it.
Movie Tuesday
Our movie for this week was Larry Crowne. It's been called a "turkey" in some reviews, but ... Tom Hanks! Julia Roberts! It wasn't the greatest movie, the timing was off and it was fairly short, about 1-1/2 hours. But...Tom Hanks! Julia Roberts! We're not complaining.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th on July
We woke up this morning to dark gray skies and a pretty strong wind. Looked like winter, but it was hot and muggy outside. Inside, of course, it was a perfect 72 degrees. Everyone knows I need to be refrigerated. I nearly fainted yesterday at the car dealer's--no air conditioning and it was HOT.
Luckily, after picking up a few things at Henry's grocery store, we were home by noon. We let the horses out and let ourselves in for the rest of the day. It was our turn to make dinner. On Saturday we had broccoli omelets at Mom's; tonight Dennis cooked a lean meal of kale, asparagus and a smidgeon of ham. It was good. For dessert he made crepes with fruit and pretend ice cream inside. The crepes were from Ikea--they have the best food.
Mom went home around 7 pm and Dennis and I slugged on the sofa for a couple more hours. We have to put drops in 50-50's (the cat) eyes every day. She was on my lap and we decided it was a good time to do it. However, Dennis forgot she was a cat, not a dog, and he grabbed her making a growling noise as he did it. Of course, she grabbed on to me, getting my shirt with one claw and my finger with the other. Yowie! All of a sudden I had a hand full of blood and a throbbing finger. Taking Plavex is a real pain. Every scratch ends up a bloodbath. I ran to the bathroom cupping my hand so it wouldn't look like there was a murder in the living room. What a mess.
The cat ran outside through the cat door and we didn't see her again until this morning. She got her drops this morning...I did it myself with no hysterics.
We have the day to ourselves, doing tasks we didn't do the rest of the weekend. I'm going to the glass shop, Dennis is outside fixing things. Tonight we are having burgers (meat for Dennis, turkey burgers for Mom & me). Dennis will barbeque and we'll probably eat outside if it cools down.
This is how we like to celebrate---low key.
Happy 4th to you however you do it!
Luckily, after picking up a few things at Henry's grocery store, we were home by noon. We let the horses out and let ourselves in for the rest of the day. It was our turn to make dinner. On Saturday we had broccoli omelets at Mom's; tonight Dennis cooked a lean meal of kale, asparagus and a smidgeon of ham. It was good. For dessert he made crepes with fruit and pretend ice cream inside. The crepes were from Ikea--they have the best food.
Mom went home around 7 pm and Dennis and I slugged on the sofa for a couple more hours. We have to put drops in 50-50's (the cat) eyes every day. She was on my lap and we decided it was a good time to do it. However, Dennis forgot she was a cat, not a dog, and he grabbed her making a growling noise as he did it. Of course, she grabbed on to me, getting my shirt with one claw and my finger with the other. Yowie! All of a sudden I had a hand full of blood and a throbbing finger. Taking Plavex is a real pain. Every scratch ends up a bloodbath. I ran to the bathroom cupping my hand so it wouldn't look like there was a murder in the living room. What a mess.
The cat ran outside through the cat door and we didn't see her again until this morning. She got her drops this morning...I did it myself with no hysterics.
We have the day to ourselves, doing tasks we didn't do the rest of the weekend. I'm going to the glass shop, Dennis is outside fixing things. Tonight we are having burgers (meat for Dennis, turkey burgers for Mom & me). Dennis will barbeque and we'll probably eat outside if it cools down.
This is how we like to celebrate---low key.
Happy 4th to you however you do it!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Mom is walking the mile trail with us again. We've walked for two days in a row and will walk again this morning. Good job, Mom!
Car Shopping
We are going car shopping this morning. Dennis's daughter needs a "new" car and we are going to look for one. Because we hate to car shop, we're going to breakfast to sweeten the pot.
Horseback Riding
This was the week for it...riding lesson on Wednesday, Trail Ride on Thursday, and a trail ride on Connie's Loop with Dennis on Saturday. Doc is pooped!
Labels: Horseback riding
Connie's Loop,
horseback riding
Friday, July 1, 2011
That Bird Ate My Fingers
Well, not really. But he tried to eat them and would have if he wasn't on the other side of the window. We were waiting for our lunch at the Fish Market at the Embarcadero when a very fat seagull strolled up in front of our window. I tapped the glass and he tried to peck me. Well, it killed some time before lunch.

Mom and Dennis.

Mom and Dennis.
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