Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yesterday, Monday, was a marathon day. Vivian came over at 7 am to clean the pantry, requiring my help, of course. Then I did all the bookwork (paying bills, etc.) I have been procrastinating about for a couple of weeks. At 12:30 I picked up my sister, Angie, and my Mom for a trip to La Jolla where Mom had a cardiologist appointment. She came out of there with another appointment and a couple of tests to do next month. All baseline tests, nothing critical.

After that we headed to WalMart to pick up a few things. We got home after dark and I think we were all exhausted.

This morning it's back to another doctor in Rancho San Diego, followed by more shopping. We're not going to the movies today, so we should get home before dark. Sigh.