Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yesterday Betsy came over to give me another lesson on Doc. I managed to get on and ride for a little while. It's getting very painful to ride any more, but today I rode my sweet horse again. We rode in the arena and then around the ranch. I'm going to try to ride every day for awhile to see if the pain lessens.

I took several dichroic glass barrettes out of the kiln this morning. Thankfully, they all turned out well. After working with Flash in the back yard, I spent the rest of the day creating a form for Dennis and the company.

Mom came over for dinner tonight. I cleaned some artichokes and she stuffed them. We also had a tomato-cucumber-basil salad.

After dinner I worked with Flash again. Then I sat on the sofa and vegged out for the rest of the night.