I'm trying to teach Spike to climb his new dog stairs. Spike is our 12-year-old Yorky. It's becoming difficult for him to jump up on the bed now, so I bought him a stairway for dogs. It has 3 steps that he should be able to jump up on to reach the bed. Up 'til now, Spike would huff (a small bark) in the middle of the night and I would get up and give him a lift to the bed. If I say, "Do you want a lift?" he hunkersdown and waits for me to pick him up. But I thought it would be easier for him if he had his own stairs. Better for me, too.
He doesn't like them. In order to get him to use the stairs, I have to entice him with a small treat. He hasn't yet "got it" that the stairs are his way to get to the top of the bed anytime he wants. I'm going to have to work on this.
He doesn't like them. In order to get him to use the stairs, I have to entice him with a small treat. He hasn't yet "got it" that the stairs are his way to get to the top of the bed anytime he wants. I'm going to have to work on this.