Dennis and I had an appointment Tuesday morning to apply for the Global Entry system, then caught a plane to Gig Harbor for our visit with Betty & Jerry. We stayed until Friday morning and had a wonderful visit.
Dennis skied with Brent on Wednesday while I visited with Betty. She and Jerry showed me their Silver Strider website and explained the ground-breaking work Jerry is doing by expanding the race rankings by age. The rankings used to stop and 70, so a runner who was 80 would be running against runners 10 or more years younger. I was very impressed.
Betty, Jerry, Laura and I had an early dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Wednesday. We stayed long enough for Dennis and Brent to drive back from skiing and have dinner there, too. On Thursday, Dennis and I drove to Polsbo for breakfast and a visit to the bakery. We ate too much and then ate some more at lunch with Betty, Jerry and Laura at an Italian restaurant. Betty wasn't feeling well, so we ended our day together after lunch so she could go home and rest. We went back to the hotel and rested for awhile, too. Later, we went to the Galaxy Theater and saw Three Days to Kill, a spy thriller starring Kevin Costner. Sorry to say, the movie was horrible. Dennis thought it was produced by teenagers. I really like Kevin Costner and was disappointed that he didn't have a better production to star in. Oh, well.
Friday morning we met Betty, Jerry and Laura for breakfast at Panera. We had a nice visit and then drove to Seattle to catch our plane for home. We missed Maria and Jodi, who arrived at the airport earlier that morning (bummer).