Today we saw One For the Money, a movie made from the Stephanie Plum detective novels. It was ok, but somewhat flat.
Played with Flash outside for awhile when I got home.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
More Experiences with Flash
Today started off again with a walk on the Sandy Creek Ranch Trail after feeding the horses. Flash and Honey ran ahead of us but too far ahead. Later we went home and had breakfast and watched some of our Sunday morning shows. We took a break around 11 a.m. and drove Flash to the Pine Valley park to take a walk and give him a car riding lesson. He seemed to have fun, walking pretty much with his nose to the ground. Then we drove home. Flash was pretty nervous on the way out, but after walking in the park, was very happy to see that he got to come home again. When we got to our street we found the turkeys who had run off when they spied Flash yesterday. We herded them home but they disappeared again later.
We played with Flash on the front lawn awhile in the afternoon. He chases the Frisbee and brings it back to within 10 feet or so. We decided to throw the Frisbee down the road and take a walk at the same time, picking up the Frisbee that Flash dropped. We went up to the warehouse and let him explore the area for awhile. Then we went back home.
Later in the day, Dennis took Flash in my car up to the Wisteria Candy Shop in Boulevard to pick up some chocolate candy for the guys a the Port. We didn't get any. Flash was getting pretty good in the car by that time. The turkeys were in the carport so Dennis herded them to their pen and I retrieved Flash from the car.
Flash had a pretty good day. He now goes out the door when we ask him to, realizing, I think, that he will be able to come in again. Same with the car.
We made sure he peed and pooped outside several times so there would be no accidents at night in the house. Our new life's work is to tire out Flash so he'll sleep at night. I wonder who's getting tired?
We had dinner with Mom at our house (pasta), then watched some TV. Dessert was bear claws and coffee. Mom went home at 7, her witching hour.
I went to bed early, around 8:30, because I was really tired from the last two sleepless nights. Flash and Dennis stayed up (well, I suspect they both slept). The only bad part was that Flashed pooped in the house during the evening some time. Dennis cleaned it up and put Flash outside for the night. This night there was no whining or scratching at the door--an improvement.
I still got up at 1-ish, but that's my routine. When I finish this post, I'm going to read myself to sleep again.
We played with Flash on the front lawn awhile in the afternoon. He chases the Frisbee and brings it back to within 10 feet or so. We decided to throw the Frisbee down the road and take a walk at the same time, picking up the Frisbee that Flash dropped. We went up to the warehouse and let him explore the area for awhile. Then we went back home.
Later in the day, Dennis took Flash in my car up to the Wisteria Candy Shop in Boulevard to pick up some chocolate candy for the guys a the Port. We didn't get any. Flash was getting pretty good in the car by that time. The turkeys were in the carport so Dennis herded them to their pen and I retrieved Flash from the car.
Flash had a pretty good day. He now goes out the door when we ask him to, realizing, I think, that he will be able to come in again. Same with the car.
We made sure he peed and pooped outside several times so there would be no accidents at night in the house. Our new life's work is to tire out Flash so he'll sleep at night. I wonder who's getting tired?
We had dinner with Mom at our house (pasta), then watched some TV. Dessert was bear claws and coffee. Mom went home at 7, her witching hour.
I went to bed early, around 8:30, because I was really tired from the last two sleepless nights. Flash and Dennis stayed up (well, I suspect they both slept). The only bad part was that Flashed pooped in the house during the evening some time. Dennis cleaned it up and put Flash outside for the night. This night there was no whining or scratching at the door--an improvement.
I still got up at 1-ish, but that's my routine. When I finish this post, I'm going to read myself to sleep again.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sleepless in Sandy Creek
Dennis wants Flash to sleep outside; Flash wants to sleep inside. I just want to sleep. We put Flash outside last night and he whined and scratched at the door all night. I had left the breezeway light on as we usually do. Around 1 a.m. Dennis turned out the light and Flash finally quieted down. I still had a hard time going back to sleep.
This morning we all (Dennis, Mom and me plus Honey and Flash) went for a walk around the ranch. This is a one-mile trail, so it's good exercise for everyone.
Photos: (1) Flash finally got used to his inside crate. (2) But he really likes lying at Dennis's feet.
I finished the first sock of the pair I'm making from yarn Betsy brought me from New York. It's getting easier. I'm going to keep making socks until I can do it in my sleep.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Flash Day One
It's very different having a puppy, even a 6-mo-old one. He wants to play all the time and cannot be tired out. Flash arrived around 2 p.m., and after his owner left, we took him for his first walk around the ranch. We had him on a leash so he learn the territory. He did finally settle down in the evening, but was very unhappy about having to sleep outside. We have a very nice, large crate for him, doorless, but he whined and scratched on the door until early in the morning.
Finally, by the time we got up, he was just standing in the breezeway looking at us. We let him in, fed him, then took him for a walk down to feed the horses. Then we walked down to Grandma's house and met up with Grandma and Honey then continued on around the ranch trail with no leashes. Honey and Flash got along just fine. They played and ran around. If they got ahead of us, Flash would look back to see if we were coming. I don't think we have to worry about him running away. He likes us and he likes the ranch. Who wouldn't?
After breakfast Dennis and I threw the Frisbee for Flash. He loves to run after it and he brings it back to within 5 feet or so. We need to work on this.
At noon I took him with me on leash to let the horses out. I knew I would have to train him not to chase the horses, but I thought he would be more submissive and/or respectful of the horses (they are bigger after all). It's a good thing I had him on leash because he was after the horses even before I let them out. We got through it, but it wasn't fun. We have to work on this, too.
Next Friday I have a trainer coming out to the ranch to help me learn how to train Flash. I'm looking forward to it.
Right now Flash is sacked out in front of one of the recliners. After I finish this I'm going back to my knitting while he's resting.
Finally, by the time we got up, he was just standing in the breezeway looking at us. We let him in, fed him, then took him for a walk down to feed the horses. Then we walked down to Grandma's house and met up with Grandma and Honey then continued on around the ranch trail with no leashes. Honey and Flash got along just fine. They played and ran around. If they got ahead of us, Flash would look back to see if we were coming. I don't think we have to worry about him running away. He likes us and he likes the ranch. Who wouldn't?
After breakfast Dennis and I threw the Frisbee for Flash. He loves to run after it and he brings it back to within 5 feet or so. We need to work on this.
At noon I took him with me on leash to let the horses out. I knew I would have to train him not to chase the horses, but I thought he would be more submissive and/or respectful of the horses (they are bigger after all). It's a good thing I had him on leash because he was after the horses even before I let them out. We got through it, but it wasn't fun. We have to work on this, too.
Next Friday I have a trainer coming out to the ranch to help me learn how to train Flash. I'm looking forward to it.
Right now Flash is sacked out in front of one of the recliners. After I finish this I'm going back to my knitting while he's resting.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Dennis and I have been doing a lot of thinking about getting a new dog and researching the breeds. The house is just too lonely without a dog, especially without Spike. Today, we took the plunge and bought a Border Collie. Meet Flash, 6 mos. old. We took him for a walk this afternoon, on leash. He was very good and very curious. This evening we spent some time playing and some time resting. We're getting to know each other so we're all feeling a little tentative. Right now Flash is lying at our feet. He doesn't want to go outside unless we go with him, then he wants to come back with us in the house. This is going to be tricky getting him to sleep outside in his crate.
He ate my knitting needles.

He ate my knitting needles.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Right. I did have a birthday this Friday, and I guess my older self forgot about my blog--again. Sorry about that. I had exactly the birthday I wished for: movie and pizza. Plus, breakfast at the Descanso Restaurant and dessert at Mom's.
Dennis and I started the day with breakfast, then drove to El Cajon and investigated big flat screen TVs. Afterward we went to the movies and saw Red Tails, about the Tuskegee airmen in WWII. We had pizza while we were watching the movie, one of my wishes. After the movie we went to Mom's and had the Swedish tea ring she made for us.
Saturday, it rained off and on all day. The rain gauge showed 1.85".
Sunday Dennis left on his trip to Phoenix. I worked on my jewelry and knitting.
Monday Vivian came over and helped me rearrange my craft room, a much needed task. It rained all day so I spent a lot of time knitting my sock. 50-50 sat on my lap.
Dennis and I started the day with breakfast, then drove to El Cajon and investigated big flat screen TVs. Afterward we went to the movies and saw Red Tails, about the Tuskegee airmen in WWII. We had pizza while we were watching the movie, one of my wishes. After the movie we went to Mom's and had the Swedish tea ring she made for us.
Saturday, it rained off and on all day. The rain gauge showed 1.85".
Sunday Dennis left on his trip to Phoenix. I worked on my jewelry and knitting.
Monday Vivian came over and helped me rearrange my craft room, a much needed task. It rained all day so I spent a lot of time knitting my sock. 50-50 sat on my lap.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Dog Day
Every five weeks has been Dog Day on Thursday instead of trail riding day. Today Mom and I took her dog, Honey, to the groomer. We left at 8:15 a.m., drove to El Cajon and checked Honey in at 9 a.m. Then we drove home and left again at 1:15 p.m. in order to pick Honey up at 2 p.m. We were home by 3 p.m. We won't have to do this again for five weeks. Whew!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Riding Lesson
We (Doc and I) had our regular lesson with Betsy today. The day started out cold...24 degrees, but it was sunny and warmed up by 9:30. Doc did everything right; he's probably bored with these lessons, but it gives him a chance to show off.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning my office (again) and making jewelry. I'll have to get some pictures.
I still miss Spike. I visited him in the Pet Cemetery today.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning my office (again) and making jewelry. I'll have to get some pictures.
I still miss Spike. I visited him in the Pet Cemetery today.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Movie Tuesday
Dennis, Mom & I saw A Joyful Noise with Dolly Parton and Queen Latifa. Not deep, but lighthearted and fun. Lot's of music.
I ordered a plaque for Spike's grave in the Pet Cemetery. It will be engraved with his picture and The Rainbow Bridge Poem.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor.
Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;
they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together,
but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group,
flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author Unknown
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Amanda's Science Project
Kristy, Amanda and Jennifer drove down today so we could help Amanda with her Invention Convention project. I don't remember doing anything like this in the 4th grade, but kids are challenged more today.
We had tacos for dinner, then gathered around the table with paper and pencils and Dennis's iPad to discuss and plan the project. Amanda's idea is to invent glasses that would display what people are saying to her. This is right up Dennis's alley, so he is the point man and the rest of us are gofers.
I'm glad that Amanda has someone smart enough to go to for help with math and science. With the new Kindle Fire she got for Christmas, she is able to email us. The other day I got an email asking for my help with a math word problem. ummmm....I forwarded it to Dennis. When she wants to write a letter, I'm all hers.
I think Dennis and Grandpa Squirrel (Gary) will be helping her with the project the rest of the weekend. We'll see.
On another note, Spike is not doing very well at all. His back end is collapsing on him and he is becoming incontinent. I am finding pee puddles everywhere. Tonight I was walking barefoot on the tile dining room floor and did a banana peel, slipping in a puddle and landing flat on my back. Ouch! Spike and I are now running neck and neck in the not doing well department.
We had tacos for dinner, then gathered around the table with paper and pencils and Dennis's iPad to discuss and plan the project. Amanda's idea is to invent glasses that would display what people are saying to her. This is right up Dennis's alley, so he is the point man and the rest of us are gofers.
I'm glad that Amanda has someone smart enough to go to for help with math and science. With the new Kindle Fire she got for Christmas, she is able to email us. The other day I got an email asking for my help with a math word problem. ummmm....I forwarded it to Dennis. When she wants to write a letter, I'm all hers.
I think Dennis and Grandpa Squirrel (Gary) will be helping her with the project the rest of the weekend. We'll see.
On another note, Spike is not doing very well at all. His back end is collapsing on him and he is becoming incontinent. I am finding pee puddles everywhere. Tonight I was walking barefoot on the tile dining room floor and did a banana peel, slipping in a puddle and landing flat on my back. Ouch! Spike and I are now running neck and neck in the not doing well department.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today's Trail Ride on Thursday was eventful. We drove up to Laguna's Wooden Hills trailhead thinking the snow must surely be gone by now, especially considering the warm weather we've been having. Wrong. Joyce drove into the parking lot ahead of me and promptly got stuck in the snow and ice. She had to call AAA and got someone to come out and haul her truck and trailer out of the snow. We had an hour and a half wait, so we went for a short ride and got back just as the tow truck arrived. I left my phone at home so I couldn't take any pictures. Darn.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Beads, beads, beads
I've been thinking about this for a long time but haven't had the energy to start the project. I have some narrow shelves for my rubber stamps. I don't ever use the stamps anymore, so I removed all of them from the wall and boxed them up. In their place, I reorganized by color the beads I already had in flip boxes. The boxes are just the right size to fit on the shelves. I have many more beads in other containers, but I made a good start with these. Now I can see what beads I have in each color.
This is great. I better make something.
This is great. I better make something.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
It's been a long time, but Dennis and I resumed our walk on the ranch trail. My leg is strong enough now after physical therapy and daily exercises.
Otherwise I sat on my butt most of the day, working on the sock I'm knitting for Dennis while watching the Sunday morning news shows and movies.
Spike slept most of the day. We had to wake him for dinner.
Otherwise I sat on my butt most of the day, working on the sock I'm knitting for Dennis while watching the Sunday morning news shows and movies.
Spike slept most of the day. We had to wake him for dinner.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The vet had an emergency yesterday, so our appointment was moved to this morning. Dennis and I took Spike in his travel bag and drove to Alpine to see the doctor. The vet calls Spike the "miracle dog" because he has endured three critical illnesses including two surgeries. He almost died the last time he was there, but he is such a fighter, the vet said, that he survived.
Today, though, the vet said that it was just a matter of time now. He's lived a good, long life and we can just make him comfortable now. We have pain medicine and antibiotics for the infection from his tooth. Spike is still eating and drinking, which is good. He wanders around the house and somehow finds his way to his food, water and the doggie door.
We love him and will keep him as long as he wants to stay.
Today, though, the vet said that it was just a matter of time now. He's lived a good, long life and we can just make him comfortable now. We have pain medicine and antibiotics for the infection from his tooth. Spike is still eating and drinking, which is good. He wanders around the house and somehow finds his way to his food, water and the doggie door.
We love him and will keep him as long as he wants to stay.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Up to Date
We've watched him wander around, bumping into things and being thoroughly lost. We pull him out of corners and guide him to his food and water and the dog door so he can go outside. My heart breaks when I see how hard it is for him. He's 16 years and 7+ months old now. He spends a lot of time in our closet where he feels safe. When he comes out, it is usually to eat or do his duty.
He seems to have calmed down somewhat from the frantic walking in circles and wandering day and night. I try to help him as much as I can, but it's still difficult for him and for me, too.
Horse Tales
On New Year's Eve day Dennis and I took a trail ride on Connie's Loop. On the way back, Doc bucked really big, but luckily I just went up and came down again--no falling off. I then decided I should ride him more often (New Year's resolution?), so the next day and the next day I road him in the arena and around the ranch trail by myself. He was really good. He does this "I don't wanna go" dance sometimes, but then he goes ahead. No bucking.
On Wednesday, I took him out of the ranch on part of Connie's Loop and he was fine.
On Thursday, we had our Trail Ride on Thursday in Cuyamaca and, again, he was just fine. Yea.
On Wednesday, I took him out of the ranch on part of Connie's Loop and he was fine.
On Thursday, we had our Trail Ride on Thursday in Cuyamaca and, again, he was just fine. Yea.
Christmas Day
Dennis, wearing his Bad Reindeer shirt.
Spike, playing with his toy.
Look at Baby Jennifer in her fancy Christmas dress.
Amanda models her Hello Kitty pj's and outfit.
Dennis, Gary and Amanda try to make the Nook work.
Grandma Angie with Jennifer.
Me, in my new jacket.
Merry Christmas 2011
End of Year Report--Christmas Eve
I know it's January 6, 2012, but let's pretend it's still 2011. What happened since my last post when we were waiting for Dennis and Gary to show up for Christmas Eve dinner and presents? They did arrive in the late afternoon and then ...
We had a different Christmas from our usual traditional Italian meals and desserts. For dinner on Christmas Eve we had pasta, with cookies for dessert. Amanda was enthralled with black olives.
We had a different Christmas from our usual traditional Italian meals and desserts. For dinner on Christmas Eve we had pasta, with cookies for dessert. Amanda was enthralled with black olives.
Christmas tree and presents before the onslaught. And here we are with our bags of candied pecans sent by Gary's cousin David. Yum.
We all had presents to open as we selected names at Thanksgiving. Our cat, 50-50 is shown here wearing one of the ski hats Dennis got for Christmas. She's such a helper.
50-50 likes Dennis.
Amanda is a great helper, too. She put the cookies on a tray for us.
She really liked my Russian teacake cookies, eating them two at a time.
Look at this: Great Grandma T with baby Jennifer.
I spent some time with Jennifer, too. She really likes baby formula--good to the last drop.
Here she is with her Mom, eating again.
Amanda had a great Christmas. She was happy with everything she got.
And with everything Jennifer got, too.
Angie seems to like her Cake Boss book.
Really, baby clothes are so cute.
Amanda is so easy--she even likes the empty cardboard box for some reason.
But she was really surprised by the Nook Santa brought.
Unfortunately we didn't have very much luck setting up the Nook for her, so Santa had to return it and instead brought her a Kindle Fire the day after Christmas. She's a wiz at the Kindle. Santa preloaded the device with Angry Birds, math programs, a book and more. It took one day for her to read the book. A kid after my own heart.
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