Believe it or not, I've actually been asked where I've been for the past few days because I haven't written any posts. To be honest, it's much easier to write posts when I'm on vacation. When we were in Santa Fe, we were doing something every day, so there was a lot to write about. I suppose I've been suffering a let down since we got back home.
However, things did happen here at the ranch. For one, it snowed last Friday. We've had some different weather here. Just before we returned home from vacation, they tell me it was about 93 degrees for a couple of days. When we got home, the weather turned again. It's been cold, cold, cold. Either it's raining or snowing or the cold wind is blowing like crazy. It's afghan weather for sure.
We had some company over the weekend. Marlin and Gillie visited us from New Mexico. They were here to pick up some pepper plants so stopped by for a visit. They loved the new remodel of the guest house. Having stayed here before, they realized what a difference a few feet and a door makes. It reminded me, however, that we still haven't replaced the U-Line refrigerator that broke some months ago. Hmmmm, got to get busy with that.
I had a great riding lesson yesterday. We used the new round pen to let Doc get his bucks out and run around for awhile before doing some serious lunging. Afterwards, we moved to the big arena and practiced movements without using the reins. We trotted around and made small circles just using my body and legs for cues. Then we did some pretty decent rollbacks also without using the reins. What a thrill. I get the feeling Doc is just humoring me. This is all just a walk in the park for him. He knows what to do and is just trying to teach me.
There was just one hiccup--when I got off, I accidentally landed on my bad leg and messed up my knee again. No real damage, just some pain and stiffness. I've been icing it. Today was Trail Ride on Thursday which was canceled because Joyce needed to see a dentist and my knee was hurting. We won't be riding again for a couple of more weeks because of some commitments Joyce has. We're hoping May will be a good restarting point for us--good weather and no obvious distractions.
Angie and Gary are back here for a few days following their very successful rally. Check out Angie's blog (
Tonight we had dinner at Mom's: pasta & meatballs plus a Costco decadent chocolate dessert compliments of Dennis. At least he didn't bring it to our house.