Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Xmas Letter

I was late in writing the Xmas Letter this year due to all the packing and moving and unpacking. I worked on it over the weekend but had problems because the computer in the office lost connection to the server and I couldn't place the photos. We finally figured out the problem late Sunday and I printed the letters from the iMac to the color laser printer. After that I started working on the labels and tried to print them from Outlook on the PC-Windows computer. They wouldn't print. The error messages said no printer connected. Yikes. I finally got Shannon in the office to print the labels from her computer to the black and white printer in the office. So no color on the labels. I was disappointed.

Today I called our IT people and the tech worked with me on fixing the printers. I had to reset the switch/router and then he installed the correct drivers for the PC. Everything works now, I think. I'm pretty sick of Christmas right now.

I did make my signature cookies (Russian Teacakes) tonight so I am done with that. Whew.

Oh, yeah...I still have presents to wrap.

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