Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Windy Was It?

It was so windy yesterday that a big rig blew over on Hwy. 8 and the freeway was closed to high profile vehicles. My Honda SUV is in the shop being fixed and we have a Honda Civic rental for a couple of weeks. We are keeping the rental in Mom's garage so the turkeys don't scratch it. I don't think Enterprise would be very happy to see turkey tracks on their car. So Dennis took Mom's car yesterday and we (Mom & I) were supposed to go to La Jolla for her doctor appointment. But because it was SO windy, the power went out and we couldn't get her garage door open. (Yes, I was told it could have been opened manually; but we also were told it was crazy windy on the freeway.) So we canceled the appointment and stayed home.

Glad we did, too. Not only was it too cold and windy to go anywhere, but we got a chance to see our turkeys go headless.
They tucked their heads into their feathers and looked like bowling balls with legs.

THAT'S how windy it was.