Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Snow was softly falling in the morning when I got up. There were a few white patches on the ground, not much, but I did see flakes falling and that counts as snow. It was 35 degrees so the snow didn't stay any length of time. By 7 o'clock the sun was out and the snow was no more. I took Flash for his walk on the trail and it started to rain before we got home.

Flash was soaking wet so I put him in his crate while I got a towel to dry him off. He didn't make a fuss at all. I thought he might whine, but he didn't.

Today was horseback riding lesson combined with dog training. We worked with Flash to get him desensitized to horses. You can read about it on his blog:

Dennis comes home tonight from his ski trip. He'll come in late, but Flash will be overjoyed to see him. Tomorrow he can run along with Dennis as he rides his bike to the office.