Friday, June 15, 2012

I spent some time Thursday morning in the glass shop, where I've been making fused dichroic glass pendants and a couple of large bowls. Angie came up to say goodbye before they left, but I missed her. I was surprised they left on Thursday because I thought they were leaving on Friday. By now, they are in Lake Elsinore. I'll be keeping track of them through Angie's blog as they travel around in their RV this summer.

Later in the day, I worked with Vivian, cleaning the storeroom (again!). I don't know how that room gets so much stuff in it. We need to have a huge "garage" sale. Who would come?

After Vivian left, I went to my craft room and started a new project. I'm designing a necklace using chain and freshwater pearls. I think it will turn out to be a lovely piece.

I decided to leave the kittens out of their crate tonight since they've been pooping in the crate overnight the last two nights. I closed the window so no raccoons could come in. This morning I checked on them and they were fine. I am still amazed at the new kitten, Sambo. He's so tiny, yet so brave. I love it when I pick him up and he starts to purr. Bubba does that, too. All of the kittens are getting more friendly and aware of people.

I went back to the glass shop this morning and worked for a couple of hours. Now, of course, I'm here, writing my blog.

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