Monday, January 10, 2011

Recap 2010

What a way to start the year. I turned 65 in January and had to make the adjustment to Medicare. Apparently, this triggered the signal to fall apart. In March I had a stroke...really? a stroke?...isn't that what happens to old people? Luckily, I had no lasting effects except some slight vision damage. However, once they get you (the medical establishment), they feel they can change and control your life. First, get rid of the PremPro, welcome back hot flashes. Then shed 10 lbs. within two months. No Jenny Craig, just quit eating all carbs (bread, pasta, pie, fruit, crackers, cereal) and, by the way, don't eat meat either. Hello nuts and vegetables. Next it's either cholesterol medicine or holistic therapies such as niacin, red yeast rice, chelated magnesium and fish oil. Have you ever taken niacin? And I thought hot flashes were bad. Finally, lower that blood pressure--another tiny pill to take and double your exercise, too. So instead of my usual daily mile walk on the ranch trail, I started climbing the hills behind our home. My dear husband has been with me every step of the way. He even cooks low-cal, high veggie dinners for us.
Cry Fowl
We added more wild birds to our collection, including 13 wild turkeys. They are beautiful from the neck down--heads not so much. But amusing, yes. I don't know what they're thinking, but they seem to like to follow...people, dogs, cats, cars, whatever is moving ahead of them.
We acquired a camper and took it for a try-out at Lake Morena. Spike came with us, sleeping in his own pup tent.
My Bike Accident
Dennis & I took a couple of rented electric bikes out for a trial ride in August. We'd been riding for a couple of hours when I had an accident and blew out my knee. Long story short, the worst part was my ACL detached and it took about 5 months before I could ride my horse again. In December I was able at least to get up on Doc, even though we didn't go anywhere.
September Wedding
Perhaps the best of 2010 came when my nephew, Bryan, married a sweetheart of a girl, Danielle. They decided to set their wedding date on the day my parents (Bryan's grandparents) were married--September 25. That made my Mother very, very happy. The wedding was held at Danielle's parents' gorgeous home in Rancho Santa Fe. Great niece Amanda was one of the two flower girls (Amanda on left, Simone on right). The girls were cute, cute, cute. It was a beautiful wedding and we are so happy for them!

When I could walk again, we took a couple of trips: San Francisco to see Cavalia, a Cirque du Solei with horses, and to Washington State to visit friends and relatives in Washington and Canada.
Rally to Restore Sanity
In October we attended a local Rally to Restore Sanity, not the one in Washington, DC, but a satellite one in San Diego.
A Sicilian Christmas
My Mom and I have been talking about putting together a recipe book of all the traditional foods we prepare at Christmas. This year Mom, my sister Angie, and I finally did it.
Sandy Creek Designs
My glass fusing endeavor has evolved over the year and I decided to try to sell some of my jewelry and glass art. My friend, Betsy, and I set up tables at the Pine Valley Days craft show and I started a website and new business called Sandy Creek Designs. The website is not done yet but I'm working on it.

That about sums it up for 2010. Not an especially good year, but it ended on an up note anyway. Now I can get on with 2011's blog. I hope I can keep up this time. Only time will tell.

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